Oluwatoyosi Adesuyi is a trained psychotherapist, a certified Trauma Therapist and a Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programing who helps individuals recover from their traumatic experiences thereby setting them on a path to wholeness.

She is a founding member of the African Network of Professional Counsellors (ANEPCO), the lead therapist at Jade Counseling Services as well as a faculty member of ADI College of Counseling and Psychotherapy, Nigeria.

She is a Trauma Author. (Fiction and Non-fiction).


Her books are aimed at helping readers become aware of their past and/or present traumas and also identify the traumas of those around them which normally, they may not pay attention to.

In many of her books, she exposes Adverse Childhood Experiences showing up in adulthood and how it affects many areas of one’s life as it presents itself in relationships, families, workplaces and societies by providing relatable scenarios.

She challenges her readers to look into their patterns, habits, thoughts, beliefs, behaviors and attitudes as these may be hindering their mental health and encourages them to seek help.

The tools used in her books are easy to understand and use, helping people get to a good point in their healing journey at first read.

Her stories help you know that you are not alone and drive home a vital point of possible recovery.